
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Long Term Effects of Weight Lifting on Joints

There are a myriad of reasons why an individual should pay attention to their health, fitness levels and overall well-being on a regular basis. When it comes to attaining the optimal levels of health, an individual is obligated with implementing a health, practical and well-balanced diet along with a workout routine schedule in their daily lives. However, there are many people who do not take such necessities of healthy living too seriously.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is There a Link Between Inflammation and Pain?

Modern society faces an epidemic of chronic pain that did not exist as recently as forty years ago, with chronic pain symptoms affecting an estimated 85 million American adults. The majority of those who seek treatment from physicians will face a difficult and many times inconclusive roads to diagnosis. However, some doctors feel that pain is caused, at least to some degree, by chronic inflammation.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Best Yoga Poses for Pain Relief

The world of sports has the highest density of chronic pain victims today. NBA and NFL stars rely on yoga to eliminate chronic pain from all areas of the body. LaBron James credits his back pain relief to yoga poses and exercises. Russel Wilson, of the Seattle Seahawks, credits yoga to his peace of mind in the midst of chaos. Chronic back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and others runs rampant among all the major and minor sport leagues across the globe, because of these intensely chaotic times.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New Drug May Help Heal Spinal Damage

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio have had what looks like a major breakthrough in the treatment of damaged spinal cords. A drug they have developed has succeed in helping paralyzed rats regain movement in their legs and control of their bladders. Jerry Silver, who is leading to the research project, has called the results "unprecedented." This new treatment is a drug that is injected. Current treatments all include invasive spinal surgery, including stem cell injections, implants of neurostimulators or nerve tissue transplants. This new treatment is very appealing to health care providers because it does not require surgery at all.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Reduce Back Pain and Osteoporosis with Vitamin D

It is a known fact that bones are strengthened by Vitamin D. The role of this vitamin in the growth and development of bones is also well researched. A great benefit of Vitamin D that not a lot of people are aware of is - it helps to prevent osteoporosis from developing and relieves back pain.