
Friday, May 22, 2015

The Best Yoga Poses for Pain Relief

The world of sports has the highest density of chronic pain victims today. NBA and NFL stars rely on yoga to eliminate chronic pain from all areas of the body. LaBron James credits his back pain relief to yoga poses and exercises. Russel Wilson, of the Seattle Seahawks, credits yoga to his peace of mind in the midst of chaos. Chronic back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and others runs rampant among all the major and minor sport leagues across the globe, because of these intensely chaotic times.

Hip pain is the most common injury among tennis and soccer players. The fast paced stop and go movements that are common with these sports, is why hip pain is so common among them. There are poses the professionals use to deal with their chronic hip pain. As we all know, stretching exercises are always preliminary in any work out. Yoga stretches will lengthen and loosen those muscles in the hip and groin area.

The lizard pose requires putting the left foot forward in front of the right. The distance of about 5 or 6 feet. Drop the right knee to the ground and bend the left knee, bringing it up to your ears. Drop your head and torso as close to the ground as you can. It is a yoga stretching variation of the traditional lunges. If you are experiencing chronic hip and lower back pain, this exercise will give your hips more room to move.

Hamstrings pain is a common because the muscles in the legs are among the thickest and strongest muscles in the body. A good warm up is harder to achieve. overstretching the hamstring is common, but there are some tips to help prevent this from happening. Stand with your feet seperated by only a few inches and bend the knees a few degrees. Lift foot off the ground and shift your foot backwards stretching the hamstring. From the knee to the connective tissue at the tail bone is stretched out. This is one of the best excercises to prevent over stretching. What if preventative measures were started to late? The tendons have already been ripped and the pain is unbearable?

The yoga poses here are used to strengthen the muscle and not so much as stretching it. The bridge pose is a strengthening exercise for the hamstring and involves lying on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. Feet should be tucked close to the hips. Slightly arch the back and feel the pull on the hamstring. Increase the intensity of the exercise by arching the back higher, bringing the feet closer to the hips. Once the feet are vertically lined up with the hips, start moving the shoulders closer to your feet.

Chronic pain in the hips and hamstrings are the most common results of injury among athletes. Take these exercises and give them a try. Try to get comfortable with them and move to other areas suffering from chronic pain. Shoulders, calves, neck, and upper arms are also very vulnerable to injuries. Yoga is endorsed by many athletes across the nation and they testify to the power that Yoga poses, tricks, and tips have on the body.

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